Mrs. Alecia Walkuski and her students named to Renaissance National Honor Roll
April 20, 2017
Middletown, CT – April 20. A local educator has been named to the Renaissance National Honor Roll for outstanding performance in advancing students’ achievement in Reading.
Renaissance®, the leader in K–12 learning analytics, recognizes educators around the nation who have implemented reading or math practice programs successfully and have led their students to meet or exceed data targets that research shows leads to significant student growth.
Mrs. Alecia Walkuski, English and Language Arts Lab Teacher at Vinal Technical High School, earned this distinction by guiding effective implementation of Renaissance Accelerated Reader®. Accelerated Reader engages K–12 students in independent reading practice at the unique levels K–12 students need in order for them to grow—from foundational skills to grade-level standards.
Renaissance National Honor Roll is designed to help educators tap into the power of Accelerated Reader by guiding their implementation in ways that promote and accelerate student growth. Renaissance provides educators with research-based data targets for reading and math practice as well as strategies that lead to an effective and sustainable implementation. Over the course of the school year, educators implement the programs with fidelity, while striving to achieve data points that research has shown result in greater student growth. New in 2016–17 is the ability to participate in conversations with fellow educators using the programs via Renaissance Royals, a community for Renaissance educators.
“We are very proud of Mrs. Walkuski and her students’ accomplishments with the AR program,”
comments Dr. Donna Risolo, Education Consultant of Literacy Integration at CTHSS.
“The AR Independent Reading Program has been an essential tool for growing student reading ability throughout the district.”